Monday, 14 September 2009

A Spot of Camping

Well we finally dusted down my parents old tent from the 70s and took it on a trip to Sussex. It was just a one night taster to see how the old girl fared and I have to say for a tent of her age she stood up remarkably well. I slept extremely soundly after a night sitting with friends and drinking wine under the stars. I hope to take her on some more trips very soon.

Here are a few pics from the weekend (given the authentic poladroid treatment!)

Our tent in all her retro glory
Mr Crafty taking a break

Another fine retro tent belonging to friends

Our very cosy sleeping area

A couple of members of our merry band

Lighting of the lamps
And they all gazed happily into the sunset


  1. Looks like a fun trip!

    We had one just like that when my parents started to take us camping. We've upgraded through the years to a motor home named "Myrtle"

  2. how perfect. i love the old school look to your camp!

  3. Stunning retro glory, love it!
    Looks like so much fun you all had.

  4. Brilliant! Looks like you had a fab time. Very jealous... in a good way! ;)

  5. The tent is beyond wonderful! I am entirely jealous!

  6. Coolest tent EVER!

    It looks like you has so much fun!

  7. Wow my parents had a tent just like this one, we had so much fun camping, not tempted to do it with my lot yet though.
    Love the pic's they look just right like that.

    Joanne x
